>The Divine Broadcast (2)- Inner Truth (For Seekers)


1) Every moment, countless miracles occur.

2) Even on the smallest of levels, life gives birth to life.

3) Challenges that may seem insurmountable are gracefully overcome.

4) No sincere effort is left unaided by these miracles of grace.

5) So yes- life is, in short, miraculous!

6) So why do we so often fail to see it as so?

7) The answer is ego-created illusion.

8) A world placed like a veil over our real one.

9) For the tastes and colours we perceive are mere shadows of the actual ones.

10) Fear and sometimes even panic interfere, diluting our experience of God’s unconditional love.

11) Scared of others, we start to love objects more than the people they were made for.

12) We start to even be afraid of dangers from our own shadows, our own dark side.

13) This shadow world, the world of whispering thoughts and newspaper headlines, is all around us…

14) Or is it?

15) Is it really inside us, projected, cloaking our inner reality…

16) … Our inner infinity?

17) Battles in the outer world may be fought and even won, but the war to get back to our selves will never be won there.

18) For it is inside that truth thrives and here lies our freedom.

19) A sheltered place where no fear or confusion can enter.

20) A reality free from the perils of the illusion we call ‘reality’.

“The Kingdom of God is within”- Jesus of Nazareth.

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